Our aim is to find travellers well-paying work with local farmers, in order to help them fund their future travels, and to assist in securing the 2nd Year Working Holiday Visa. The 3rd year visa is also available now. (For more information about the 2nd Year WHV click here.)
We are a small, friendly hostel which aims to provide Backpackers with reasonably priced accommodation and on-going, well paid employment. We pride ourselves on sourcing the best paid work available, and ensuring that Backpackers are given a fair go on the job.
While we want you to have a good time while you are with us, we are a working Hostel, so if drinking and partying all night is your thing, it would be best to look for other accommodation.
Our hostel accommodates a maximum of 40 people, with no more than 4 beds to any room. We have three lounge rooms, Satellite TV, BBQ facilities and more.
We are located in the main street of Red Cliffs, with all main services within 5 minutes walk of our front door:
- Supermarkets
- Takeaway/cafes
- Banks
- Pubs
- Public Swimming Pool
- Chemist
- Doctors
- General retail shops
- Local bus & taxi service to Mildura
We arrange for our backpackers to get to and from work.
We can arrange transfer from the bus terminal on arrival (so long as arrival time has been negotiated in advance).
For room tariffs click here.